Thursday, February 17, 2011

"A Thorn In My Side" (Actually, it was in my FOOT!)

Yesterday, Werner, who is a.k.a. "Baron Von Green Thumbs," (GT for short,) happily announced to me that his first spring plants were popping up!  Well, I grabbed my camera to capture his rapture and stepped off our deck in my slippers and promptly stepped upon an errant branch of THORNY Pyracantha.  It punctured the rubber sole of my slipper, my sock and, of course, the bottom of my foot!  OUCH!  His excitement did not make for lovely photos, but any sign of spring is worth a "thorn in my sole!"




  1. Oh WOW, we are MONTHS behind you!!!
    Love the pics, they made me feel warmer.

  2. I think this warm weather is just a "tease!"

  3. Great photos! Yes were are a couple months behind you. Good blog -- I especially liked
    "capture his rapture" :-)

  4. Ouuuchhhh! That's no fun!

    Great pics!! It's chilly and windy here today. And there is more snow and rain expected. So it will be a while before we get spring here.

    Love your blog!

  5. Cassie, Thank you for all of your help & encouragement! I will continue to have questions for you, I am sure, but I am enjoying the challenge of figuring it out. Thanks, also, for putting my link on your FB page.

  6. Here is my first attempt at a comment!
    Yes, the grass is definitely 'green'! Does this mean Werner will be mowing soon?? How are you doing with the new camera?
    We have lots of 'black' snow to view here in New England! It's slowly melting away! I say, "Sayonara!" to it!
    Yesterday the temp reached 60! Today, not so warm and sunny! Still nice day though!

  7. Hi, Francis! Nice to "meet" you. Thank you for following my first Blog.

    Lawns need mowing here through most of the year other than Dec. & Jan.

    I love my new camera.

    We don't miss black snow! LOL! The little we get melts right away because the ground stays warm. We are having nice weather here but I think it is just a "tease!"

  8. You are quite welcome. You are amazing. I am so lucky to k ow you!!
